
Application Form for New Voters“FORM 6”
Application for Inclusion of Name in Electoral Roll by an Overseas Elector“FORM 6A”
Letter of Information of Aadhaar number for the purpose of electoral roll authentication“FORM 6B”
Voter Application Form for Objection for Proposed Inclusion/Deletion of Name in existing Electoral Roll“FORM 7”
Voter Application Form for shifting of Residence/Correction of Entries in Existing
Electoral Roll/Replacement of EPIC/Marking of Pwd
“FORM 8”
Form for Appointment of Booth Level Agents"BLA 1"
Claim for inclusion of name in the electoral roll for a graduates' constituency "Form 18"
Claim for inclusion of name in the electoral roll for a teachers' constituency "Form 19"
Certificate by the Head of the Institution for inclusion of name in a teachers' constituency Electoral Roll "Certificate"